
My name is Nicq, and I love to design and build software applications for the web!

    I have experience building projects with:

  • Python (and the python arcade library for fun)
  • Django
  • Django REST framework to build APIs
  • Vue
  • SQL
  • Axios
  • JS
  • CSS

  • Django



        Nicq Barker is an accomplished software developer, volunteer, former surgical assistant, and cat-dad based out of Portland, Oregon. Nicq began programming at age 10, where he began playing with LOGO on his dad's computer. The feeling of completing a circle was too much for him to let go. Around this same time, Nicq was involved in a pool-side accident that left him without front teeth! After hours in the Dental Chair, Nicq emerged as a dental enthusiast!

        Upon completion of his B.S. in Psychology from the University of Idaho, Nicq studied as an oral surgery assistant for several years before moving to Portland and working for a very successful surgeon. Finally the technology had caught up! 80% of his job was done at a computer, he learned how to design and 3D print surgical guides to place dental implants. He learned how to copy bone structure from an x-ray and 3D print a replica to ensure a tight fitting titanium mesh membrane prior to surgery, he would even take digial scans of patient's teeth and their prosthetics for complete upper and lower implant supported dentures!

        Nicq worked with several different software companies and programs through his surgical endeavors, and he found himself getting deeper and deeper into the technical side of software. How does this work? How was this designed? What the heck is python?

        Fast forward to today, Nicq is combining his software expertise, love of people, love for helping others, and humor to make any team he is part of stronger, and any work environment, remote or otherwise, considerably more fun!
